About Us

Our Story
Welcome to Lauren Ann Boutique & Designs, where creativity meets everyday life with a sprinkle of humor and a whole lot of heart. I'm Lauren, a mom of two wonderful children, wife to a fantastic husband, and the creative force behind this little corner of joy.

The Beginning
Our story began in the bustling chaos of everyday family life. Picture this: two energetic kids, a loving but occasionally bewildered husband, and me, juggling everything from sports practices to bedtime stories. Amidst this beautiful chaos, I discovered my passion for creating unique, fun, and practical items that add a touch of magic to the mundane.

The Spark
It all started with a simple idea. I wanted to create something that would not only bring joy to my family but also make our lives a little easier and a lot more fun. So, with a dash of creativity and a sprinkle of determination, I began designing and making everything from apparel to cups, keychains, bags, and even 3D printed fidgets and toys.

The Journey
Every piece I create is inspired by the love and laughter that fills our home. My kids are my greatest muses, always ready with a new idea or a playful critique. My husband, the rock of our family, has been my biggest supporter, even when our basement was taken over by 3D printers and craft supplies.

Our products are made with families in mind. From the cozy apparel that wraps you in comfort to the quirky keychains and bags that add personality to your day, and the 3D printed fidgets and toys that keep little (and big) hands busy - each item is crafted with care, humor, and a lot of love.

The Heart
We believe in celebrating the little moments. We believe in the power of a heartfelt gift, the joy of a well-made toy, and the comfort of a favorite cup. Our mission is to bring a smile to your face and a touch of warmth to your heart with every product we create.

We are more than just a business. We are a family, sharing our love and creativity with the world. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Whether you're a busy mom, a supportive dad, or simply someone looking for a little extra joy in your day, we hope our products bring as much happiness to your life as they do to ours.

Join Our Community
We invite you to join our growing community of happy customers. Follow us on social media, share your stories, and tag us in your photos. Let's celebrate the magic of everyday moments together!

With love and laughter,

Anyone who knows me would know that I had a great bond with my grandmother. She was my biggest supporter in my life. She knew all of my secrets and my dreams and fears. She was always there when I wanted to play hooky from school. She loved to watch the Hummingbirds outside of the kitchen window and would let me help refill their little feeder. Before she passed she had always told me I can do anything I want to. I want to carry on those dreams and show my daughter and son that they too can do anything they want to. 
In loving memory of June